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Can low temperatures trigger alarms?

Occasionally, when temperatures drop, the inverter might misinterpret signals, leading to communication hiccups. This article delves into strategies for addressing and proactively preventing such occurrences.

The Alarm BMS and Can Comm fails are error alarms that occur when there is a communication issue between your battery and inverter. These alarms can be triggered by low temperatures, but they do not necessarily indicate a problem with the equipment itself.

To prevent these alarms, it is important to avoid letting the battery discharge below 20% in winter and charge from the grid when necessary.

These instructions will guide you on how to reset your inverter, boost your battery capacity, and adjust the charging settings in order to resolve any issues and maintain a well-functioning system.


Step 1: Reset Your Inverter

Start by resetting your inverter. Detailed instructions on how to do this can be found in our help center article titled "How do I shut down or reset my system?"


Step 2: Boost Battery Capacity

If your battery is at 0% capacity, follow the provided Battery Awaken instructions. Boost the battery multiple times until the green light turns on, the red alarm turns off, and the string of green lights flashes sequentially. These indications show that the battery is charging and operational. If you require dedicated technical support over the phone, please contact Pylon tech support at 0333 015 4060.


Step 3: Adjust Charging Settings

To prevent communication error alarms, it is recommended to set your battery to charge from the grid for at least 2 hours in the evening to ensure it keeps 'warm'. Instructions on how to change these settings can be found in here, or you can reach out to Solis via their Service Center for remote assistance.


Step 4: Monitor for 72 Hours

After completing the above steps, monitor your system for 72 hours. This allows the battery to warm up, and resolve any issues.


If you do not see any changes after this time, please contact our installation team at myinstall@makemyhousegreen.com for further assistance and we will be happy to help.