Scaffold Has Damaged My Property, What Next?

The next steps to take if scaffolding damages your property.

This article will include:
While scaffolders do take as much care as possible to prevent any damage from occurring, sometimes things can go wrong. Below outlines what to do next.

If the email regarding your scaffold getting booked listed PVF Scaffolding as the erector, then, if there is any damage this will need to be reported to PVF directly in order for them to follow their damages process.

You can do this by emailing the below information to

  • Full name
  • Address
  • Contact telephone and email address
  • The date and time that the damage occurred
  • Photos of any damage that has occurred along with a description
  • If you know of any eyewitnesses to the damage occurring- such as a neighbour or family member, or even any other contractors that were on site at the time- please include this information
PVF take full responsibility for all damage caused by their scaffolding team and will be able to reach a resolution for you.

If the scaffolding company that carried out the scaffold erection was not PVF Scaffolding, then feel free to get in touch with us at MakeMyHouseGreen and we will be able to handle the damage claim directly with the scaffolding company utilised.

As with all scaffold constructions and dismantles, we advise clearing the area where the scaffold will be going, to improve the safety of the teams working on site, but also to minimise the chances that anything will get damaged