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  2. Demand Flexibility Service & Battery Discharge

Why didn't you charge my battery?

To charge or not to charge? That, is the question...

If we're given 24 hours notice for an event, we'll instruct your battery to charge overnight from the grid with cheaper electricity and hold enough charge for the event window.

Once the event is finished, you can then use the rest of that stored energy as normal. As all of the events have been in the evening, this is usually when is best to used battery stored energy anyway.

If we aren't given enough notice to charge your battery overnight, but the rate the National Grid are offering is high enough, then we may charge your battery a little during the day.

If the rate that the National Grid are offering is too low, we may decide not to charge your battery during the day as it may not deliver any benefit to you. We will, however, make sure that if you have generated power from your panels during the day, this is stored and exported during the event.