How do I link MakeMyHouseGreen as an installer on my Solis Cloud app?

You can find step-by-step instructions in order to link us as an installer to your Solis Cloud app in the guides provided below!

Firstly, please make sure that your Solis datalogger is connected and functioning correctly. If you need guidance on this, please refer to our helpful guides linked below:

How Do I Get Set Up On The Solis Cloud App?

- What do I do if I can't see any data in my App?


Once your datalogger is connected and set up, the next step is to add Switchd as the installer on your Solis App. You can easily do this by following the provided video guide.

  1. Open your Solis Cloud App and tap the "..." in the top right. Then tap "Modify Info"
  2. Select "Organisation Code"
    Solis App - Add Organization Code
  3. Enter our code 28204 and tap "Search" which may appear on your keyboard
    Organisation Code for Solis
  4. Select our organization code and then scroll down to "Confirm modification"
    Confirm (1)

And you're done!

There is also a handy video guide here if you'd find that helpful:

[Solis Cloud APP] Associate The Plant To Installer (Video)