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Terms & Conditions for Solar Sentinel, Peace of Mind Protection and Premium Protection

Understand the Ts & Cs for our Solar Care packages

Terms and Conditions 

Solar Sentinel, Peace of Mind Protection & Premium Protection


  • "Customer / User" refers to the individual or entity that registers for and uses any of the Service(s).
  • "Key Pieces of Information" include, but are not limited to: first & last name, address, contact details, payment details (where applicable), installed kit.
  • "Peace of Mind Protection" refers to the call-out service covering specified issues outside of the original warranty for solar panel systems installed by the Provider, once the £49 excess has been paid.
  • "Premium Protection" refers to a superior version of the Peace of Mind Protection service, wherein a lower excess fee of £30  is charged for call-outs.
  • "Provider" refers to Switchd Ltd, trading as MakeMyHouseGreen.
  • "Service(s)" refers collectively to Solar Sentinel, Peace of Mind Protection, and Premium Protection and their respective features & benefits.
  • "Solar Sentinel" refers to the performance monitoring service for solar panel systems, comparing forecast generation with actual generation.
  • "Subscription" refers to the recurring fee associated with each Service.
  • "Workmanship Warranty" refers to the original guarantee provided by the Provider that covers specific installation-related issues and defects for a predetermined period.

1. Acceptance of Terms

  1. By using Solar Sentinel, Peace of Mind Protection, or Premium Protection (after install or Solar Care services), users agree to the following terms and conditions.
  2. We reserve the right to modify these terms at any time and, where practicable and possible, will provide at least 1 month's notice of the change.


2. Description of Service

  1. Solar Sentinel provides performance monitoring for solar panel systems, comparing forecast generation with actual generation.
  2. In the case of Peace of Mind Protection, this service covers the cost of call-out visits for specified reasons outside of the original workmanship warranty once the £49 excess has been paid.
  3. Premium Protection has a £30 excess for the same (2.2).
  4. Further details about our workmanship policy and revisit policy can be found here:
    https://help.makemyhousegreen.com/en/our-workmanship-warranty https://help.makemyhousegreen.com/en/revisit-policy
  5. Live service details, such as features and capabilities for Solar Sentinel, Peace of Mind Protection and Premium Protection, are detailed on our website www.makemyhousegreen.com/solar-care
  6. None of these services are insurance products.
  7. None of these services cover damages, losses, or liabilities. 
  8. Switchd Ltd, trading as MakeMyHouseGreen, is not acting as an insurer and makes no promises or guarantees as an insurer.


3. Registration and User Accounts

  1. Users must register for an account to access the service.
  2. Users agree to provide accurate and complete information during registration and make the Provider aware of any changes to key pieces of information as soon as possible and at least within 14 days of the change.
  3. Users are responsible for the activity that occurs on their account.


4. Payment Terms

  1. Users agree to pay a monthly subscription fee of £2.49 for Solar Sentinel or £19.99 for Peace of Mind Protection and £34.99 for Premium Protection.
  2. Payment of services on an annual basis may provide for a discount for the customer, which will be made clear at the point of purchase.
  3. All prices will increase on an annual basis or otherwise. Users will always be informed at least 1 month in advance of any increase.
  4. Payments will be charged on a pre-pay basis on the day the subscription starts once any trial period has completed.
  5. Services will not be activated until payment is received in full.
  6. Users can cancel their subscription at any time but will not be guaranteed a refund for any unused portion of the service. See 11. Termination of Services.

5. Trial Period

  1. We may, at our discretion, offer users a trial period where they can access and use the service(s) for free or at a reduced rate.
  2. The specific terms, duration, and conditions of any trial period will be stated separately at the point of sale or sign-up.
  3. Upon the expiration of the trial period, unless cancelled by the user, the user's subscription will automatically convert to a paid subscription, and the user will be billed according to our standard payment terms.


6. Minimum Term

  1. Solar Sentinel shall have a minimum term of 1 month, meaning that once a customer moves out of any trial period and into a paid period of service, the customer agrees to a minimum term of 1 month. 
  2. Peace of Mind Protection and Premium Protection both have a minimum term of 3 months, meaning that once a customer moves out of any trial period and into a paid period of service, the customer agrees to pay for the service for 3 months.
  3. Customers on Peace of Mind Protection and Premium Protection may issue a request to cancel the service (see 11. Termination of Service) which will come into effect once the minimum term has expired.

7. Excess Fee

  1. A £49 excess fee is applicable for all call-outs under the Peace of Mind Protection plan and £30 for the Premium Protection plan.
  2. The excess fee is payable upon scheduling a call-out visit and no visit will take place until this fee has been paid.
  3. Once complete, if the reason for the visit is covered by our standard workmanship warranty and that warranty has not expired, the excess fee will be refunded.
  4. For users registered only with Solar Sentinel, there will be no excess fee, but there will be call out charges which will be made clear to the customer at the point of contact before a visit is confirmed.


8. Data Privacy and Security

  1. User data will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy, which can be found on www.makemyhousegreen.com/privacy-policy.
  2. In order to deliver this service, we retain the right to access and process data from your inverter and Smart Meter (if applicable). This includes, but is not limited to, energy generation and its destination (used, stored, sold), energy storage and energy usage values over time.
  3. We retain the right to store, use and sell anonymised and aggregated versions of the data such as general time of use trends etc.
  4. No personally identifiable information will be shared unless otherwise agreed with you in advance e.g. for the provision of another service from a 3rd party or nominated partner.
  5. We implement industry standard security measures to protect user data but cannot guarantee absolute security.
  6. To deliver some of the benefits of the service, we need to “push” settings to the inverter or battery to effectively control them remotely. Users hereby provide consent for us to do so and accept responsibility for the impact of changes made. For example; to maximise earnings, there may be a period where energy exported to the grid receives a premium that is higher than the unit rate for import. The changes made to the system will be to take advantage of that export premium and may result in stored energy not being available to be used, but stored until the right time for sale.
  7. Users preventing access to any of the required data or permissions on devices acknowledge that the Provider may not be able to complete the service(s) as intended, but users may still be charged. 


9. Service Limitations and Disclaimers

  1. While we strive to provide accurate and reliable services, Solar Sentinel does not guarantee absolute accuracy or reliability.
  2. The user agrees to use this service at their own risk and acknowledges that information provided may not be error-free.
  3. Cover from Peace of Mind Protection and Premium Protection only applies to call-out visits for issues not covered under a valid workmanship warranty with the Provider.
  4. Call-outs that fall under a valid workmanship warranty with the Provider will not incur the excess fee. Any excess fee that has been paid will be refunded.
  5. Any required parts or further services outside of the call-out visit will be chargeable separately.


10. User Obligations

  1. Users agree to use Solar Sentinel legally and will not use it to engage in unlawful activities.
  2. Users shall not attempt to disrupt the service in any way.
  3. Users shall not, without written consent from the Provider, share or resell the information provided via Solar Sentinel.
  4. Users shall not, without written consent from the Provider, attempt to reverse engineer or replicate Solar Sentinel.


11. Termination of Service

  1. We reserve the right to terminate or suspend access to our service, without prior notice, for conduct that we believe violates these Terms and Conditions or is harmful to other users, us, third parties, or for any other reason.
  2. We may decide to discontinue the service(s) at any time and will let all users know where practicable and possible with at least 1 month’s notice. The service will continue to run for the remainder of any subscription payments. Where customers have paid for subscriptions up front e.g. annual, refunds of complete, unused months of service may be made at the discretion of the Provider.
  3. If a customer wishes to cancel their subscription, they may do so at any point by emailing us at team@makemyhousegreen.com providing 1 month’s notice. Where possible and practicable, unless within a trial period or minimum term, this will end the service at the end of the current window of paid service and no further payments will be taken.
  4. If the email address used to send the termination email is not the one associated with the subscription, confirmation of identity will be required such as name and address linked to the service.
  5. Where the termination of service is initiated by the customer, in line with 11.b and subject to the minimum terms (6 Minimum Term), refunds of complete, unused months of service may be made at the discretion of the Provider.


12. Limitation of Liability

  1. Under no circumstances shall Switchd Ltd, trading as MakeMyHouseGreen or any of their representatives acting on their behalf, be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages resulting from the use or inability to use our service.


13. Governing Law

  1. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  2. Any disputes arising under or in connection with these Terms and Conditions shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the United Kingdom.


14. Contact Information

  1. For any queries regarding these terms and conditions, please contact us at team@makemyhousegreen.com